Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Well, as all of you know, today's Mothers' Day! well, yesterday's more interesting than today. nothing much happened today. (so sorry, mom) the worste thing of ALL, i didnt make or buy anything for her #.#

so, yesterday we started watching TV (The Eye). its quite nice but not much thrills by the way. so, when its coming to the suspense part of the movie, my dad called, asked us to get ready as they are going to bring us out. first, we went Swensens at Vivo City to have our our lunch (and my breakfast). well, my sis and i ordered a Lobster Baked Rice. well, actually its a celebration to the victory of dad entering the Finals for Tilawah Al-Quran Kebangsaan 08, getting $200. wow. imagine that. so, the food was delicious! the price is also "delicious". so the rest of the family members bought desserts. so, after that, we window shoped. it was so crowded that i got dizzy, asked dad to pass me the car key to put the things that we bought in it. after putting the thing in the boot, i sat in the car, locked myself up and on some music. woo~ it was like heaven you know. after Vivo City, we went to Masjid Kassim to pray.
After that, we went East Coast Park for dinner. wow was i full after that. we ate satay(chicken, beef, lamb, 'babat', 'hati ayam'), cockles(thank goodness i had a hapetitis vaccination before), and barbecued chicken wings and drumlets. delicious, the only word to describe the taste. and i tell you now, i regret entering the toilet. oh goodness, gracious. it smells ammonia everywhere, u can see 'things' float in the toilet bowl, eeerrrrrgggghhhh i dont want to talk about it.
so, to 'digest' and do some 'extra light exercise', we went to Changi Airport and walked around. its one of my favourite place in Singapore by the way, especially Terminal 3. wow is that place gigantic or what, with black and white granite flooring, extra high ceiling with 'Smart' light installed in ceiling. wee~ i was like "welcome to my home". and my sister was like "puke, vomit". =.=! we sat, walked, looked around, relaxed. hehe! such beautiful day.