Saturday, December 19, 2009

here and there...

well hello peeps! long time no type :) hmmm lets start from... ok la now la.. erm currently in Garuda Plaza Hotel to use internet... tsk tsk... but not staying here la. i'm waiting for the arrival of Sheikh Mutawalli, a shiekh from Egypt.
ok luckily the person beside me has left his seat :) waaaa... tell u... can die sit beside him ar... he smoked 2 cigarettes continuously and lit his 3rd one after like 5 mins 'break'?... =.= ok tell u also for what right.. lol. the peeps here can really smoke up a chimney! the pollution in the air here is... waa... no words to explain. from smokers.. from vehicles.. from burning rubbish in front of homes.. from burning forests... waa! luckily the family im staying with are sort of anti-smokers...
moving on, oh ya wait.... other than air pollution, there's land pollution. there's rubbish everywhere, even around the 'Do Not Litter' sign..

ok lets move on. other than the bad points, there's always the positive ones.. wa i love the peeps here. they're so warm and friendly :) but of course, i look sort of 'alien' here, so here comes the @_@ look.. but seriously, i felt like Zac E walking on the red carpet.. HAHAHA! jokes...
i've made many new friends here. speaking of friends, only a handful can actually converse in English fluently... one of which is the grandpa of the kids im staying with. woah he speaks english like water flowing down a stream. he's vocab is also not bad.. i heard its with the help of the Jap Occupation in the World War.. he speaks Japanese too. haha.
oh ya talking about English, I HAVE YET TO SEE AN ENGLISH NEWSPAPER... i tell you, 95% of the things you read here are in Bahasa Indonesia..
oh ya, language..... i'm helping out the kids with English while they help me out with Arab... MUAHAHAHA! oh and they use 'take and give' instead of 'give and take'... haha. not sure if thats a joke or not...

the title states 'here and there' well basically cause after Medan, I'll be flying to KL with the family I'm staying here with.. hopefully in KL, my parents would be free and meet me there.. oh do i miss them.. once, i was with the Ust and family, in their van on the way back from the mountains of Brastagi. it was night time and to entertain Ust from sleeping while driving, his kids sang a song. its a variety of songs but i cried non-stop at one particular song they sang... its entitled 'Mother'.. WAAA i tell you.. the lyrics are like so touching, then im missing my own mum, not seeing her for 3 weeks now........ waaaa........ i feel like transforming the van into some sort of flying vehicle and fly back home...

ok before i cry here, in the hotel lobby, i better go 1st.
update again next time :) see ya! miss ya! love ya!