Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Hey people! Haha just took out a fresh batch of brownies from the oven... Waaaaa.. Okay actually the first time, the brownie came out a little too moist.. So we cut it up, and put it back into the oven. Turned out way better than expected :)

Ok just so you know, I'm updating this via my phone. Any typos, please forgive me. A FEW HOURS MORE TO GO PEEPS! if you know what I mean..

I've watched all the episodes released by
Glee.. That's 13 episodes, about 45 minutes each. Kwang kwang.. But I'm not satisfied.. MORE GLEE!! haha ;D hmmm

I'm trying to go to Ustaz's house at 7a.m tomorrow.. But luckily I told him it's not confirmed.. (sekali I sleep at 4a.m like yesterday.... Haa... Good luck having just
2 hours of sleep) teehee! Well cause he wants to walk to Aliff restaurant in the morning but have no one to accompany him.. So sad right, I know.. But he wants to walk there.. Usually if students want to accompany him, they'll drive him there.. He wants to exercise.. Good right?and furthermore he's rather an aged man.. Aww..

Haa.. Feel like watching a movie at home now.. Haha!

P.S. I so wanna grill some steaks... MMMMM!!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sup peeps!

ok i'm dusting off my blog... hmmm seems kinda old don't you think? i mean the background and all.. but hey, when it comes to blogging, i just know how to post.. still a newbie in the 'change background' thing.

lately I've been up late. correction, very late.. [random notice: Look! its 3:10 a.m. now] tsk tsk.. I've been wanting to watch Glee, a series on Star World, but i thought it'll take forever.. so i watch it online... well lets Dance Along The Lines :D its SO COOL! okay maybe 'cool' is not the right word.. hmmm.. its Glee-ish? haha :) what i'm Shakespeare now? haha. okay, been watching it, now I'm at episode 10. there's this geek, some babes, some quarterbacks, some spoilt brats, a gay? well, its basically High School.. The show's strongly recommended for those having problems with your laugh-box :) it'll tickle your funny-bone so hard you'll laugh and replay it over and over again. Glee has become my favourite series since Charmed. WOOHOO! I'm really psyched about the upcoming episodes cause i can't wait for them. really wonder how the ending will be.. hmmm

ok i won't really call it insomniac but i'm more to nocturnal.. haha! k lets see.. hmm I WANNA GO SWIMMING! and play SQUASH! and head the GYM! i so need to work some off and get some on.. if u know what i mean.. haha! LOL.. ok I've been chatting with my friend, Ayeshah in the wee morning. she's funny and smart and cool.. and bakes.. a lot.. haha! hmmm really got to know her better from that Storytelling workshop.. (ok la like so bad right the chairman of the club doesn't know his teammate) she scored so awesomely for O's... *Jealoused, with a capital J.. hmm.. all the best, yea :D

waa i missed my peeps in Medan. wanna go there again, not sure when. my parents are going maybe in early February to Laketoba (not sure if its spelt right). its the lake at the summit of a mountain. i mean how cool is that? ok i so want a DSLR camera... haha! but its a want, not a need.. so... teehee!

will try my best to update everyday :) LONG LIVE THIS BLOG! (whao like some fellow King's men)

P.S. Whatever happened to equal rights?