ok so i've not been updating.. its not cause i refuse to write.. its just that whenever i see the 'pulish post' page, i have nothing to type.. since i've nothing to type, i'll talk about some hillarious(?) incidents that happened in my life. this happened when i was in K2 or primary 1 or somewhere that age.. my grandparents kept reminding me of the incident, u know.... and laughed =.= its good to see them laugh though. so i just go along with the flow...
we were living with our grandparents that time.. so it started one night, about 8:30.. Curious young me just left the house cause i heard some purrr-ing near the lift. its a cat, duh... HAHA! so cute.. (random: i find totally black kittens the cutest cat) guess what the cat was eyeing at.. its a tall container with a guppy and goldfish inside. so the cute young me 'shoo' the cat away and called my grandma out to see the fish.. then i persuade my grandma to keep the fish then in the end she allow... hehehe! sayang nenek :D
so grandma put the container in the toilet, under the sink. so the next morning, i showered in that toilet... said hi and good morning to the fishies... so i started doing the toilet stuff - shampoo.. so i looked at the fishes.. and the water in the container is quite smelly and cloudy.. so i squeezed some shampoo into the container... smart, brilliant, genius me... so i saw the fishes started to swim frantically.. (oh ya I left the toilet door open whenever i shower last time.. mummy said must open door in case anything happen..) then grandma saw what i did.. she panicked and started scolding me for what i did... and guess what i said......
"sssshhhhhh! ikan tu nak tido.... (the fish wants to sleep..)"
and she was like....
"apa tido? dik tarok sabun dia mati la! (what sleep? you put soap, it'll die la!)"
so i started to panic too and 'helped out' using my eye-power @_@.. HAHAHA! i just stood there like the statue of stanford raffles and watched grandma do the work. i wanted to actually help out but she said I've helped out enough.. *ouch.. but what she said was true.. I don't know how to take care of the fishies so i better use my stare-power... grandma used her hands to scoop the two fishes out of the water and transfer to a pail of water.. she washed the container thingy.. (well i said container cause its the plastic container u use to keep your biscuits and crackers)
then i saw it... the goldfish turned its body side-up..... and float... i was like @_@.. but the guppy survived.. sigh.....
so, like the CIA movies you guys watch, after the crime-scene there'll be the interview by the police.. so my mom asked me why did i do that for.. and i gave her this reason.....
"i was shampooing, so i thought the fishes wanted to shampoo too"
and gave that pitiful look..... TEEHEE!! so thats my hilarious childhood story...
maybe I'll put what my sec 4 sister did when she was a toddler.. you'll go "EEEEEE!!".. hehe!

In loving memories of Goldeen and Guppy..
hehe! eh... i like Pokemon when i was young kay... so i named it Goldeen la.. then no inspiration for the guppy.. so call it Guppy la... HAHAHA!
nice childhood memories:) you and yr goldeen!!
i'm ashley.T btw:)
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