Monday, March 10, 2008

hey, people!

alright. here's me with my new blog, still considered as a newbie here. some assistance would be very much appreciated. so, yup. Intro bout myself- name's dzul(for short), schooling, want to be a pilot/astronaut, loves nature, animals, outer space. by these, you can guess roughly how I am. people usually think im a boy with everything and has no problems in life but never in my life have i found people with no problems, including myself. moving on.. anything interesting in my life? well, lets talk about religion. KIDDING! so, countries. my favourite overseas country so far is Australia, Perth. its a beautiful place to be. peaceful, very friendly and welcoming. so far i've been to Singapore(duh), Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, India. countries I wanna go are Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Britain, Antartica. yea baby! so basically im a traveller(ehm ehm). haha.. woo~

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