Saturday, December 19, 2009

here and there...

well hello peeps! long time no type :) hmmm lets start from... ok la now la.. erm currently in Garuda Plaza Hotel to use internet... tsk tsk... but not staying here la. i'm waiting for the arrival of Sheikh Mutawalli, a shiekh from Egypt.
ok luckily the person beside me has left his seat :) waaaa... tell u... can die sit beside him ar... he smoked 2 cigarettes continuously and lit his 3rd one after like 5 mins 'break'?... =.= ok tell u also for what right.. lol. the peeps here can really smoke up a chimney! the pollution in the air here is... waa... no words to explain. from smokers.. from vehicles.. from burning rubbish in front of homes.. from burning forests... waa! luckily the family im staying with are sort of anti-smokers...
moving on, oh ya wait.... other than air pollution, there's land pollution. there's rubbish everywhere, even around the 'Do Not Litter' sign..

ok lets move on. other than the bad points, there's always the positive ones.. wa i love the peeps here. they're so warm and friendly :) but of course, i look sort of 'alien' here, so here comes the @_@ look.. but seriously, i felt like Zac E walking on the red carpet.. HAHAHA! jokes...
i've made many new friends here. speaking of friends, only a handful can actually converse in English fluently... one of which is the grandpa of the kids im staying with. woah he speaks english like water flowing down a stream. he's vocab is also not bad.. i heard its with the help of the Jap Occupation in the World War.. he speaks Japanese too. haha.
oh ya talking about English, I HAVE YET TO SEE AN ENGLISH NEWSPAPER... i tell you, 95% of the things you read here are in Bahasa Indonesia..
oh ya, language..... i'm helping out the kids with English while they help me out with Arab... MUAHAHAHA! oh and they use 'take and give' instead of 'give and take'... haha. not sure if thats a joke or not...

the title states 'here and there' well basically cause after Medan, I'll be flying to KL with the family I'm staying here with.. hopefully in KL, my parents would be free and meet me there.. oh do i miss them.. once, i was with the Ust and family, in their van on the way back from the mountains of Brastagi. it was night time and to entertain Ust from sleeping while driving, his kids sang a song. its a variety of songs but i cried non-stop at one particular song they sang... its entitled 'Mother'.. WAAA i tell you.. the lyrics are like so touching, then im missing my own mum, not seeing her for 3 weeks now........ waaaa........ i feel like transforming the van into some sort of flying vehicle and fly back home...

ok before i cry here, in the hotel lobby, i better go 1st.
update again next time :) see ya! miss ya! love ya!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

missing it...

well, as friends and relatives of the same age are enjoying their holidays, looking for jobs, making money (maybe income for family or for self..) i can't... i'll be leaving Singapore for a short while.. about a month, that is. I'll be missing Mr Wee's chalet, the Spartans outing, the WRITE Club Camp and more.. SOOOOO SAAADD!! :( but then, in Indonesia, maybe its not that bad. maybe its worth missing all the fun. maybe its for the better :) no one knows for sure. most probably i'll be leaving this monday, 30th Nov. its not confirmed, though. Dont worry, I'll try to blog there (whenever possible) hehes! I'm so gonna miss my friends, relatives, you. awww... LOL

ok, the major events that happened in the past days are basically the Graduation cum Prom Night(GN) and probably the Red Camp 6 @ NP. The GN turned out greater than expected! really, i thought i'll look funny, maybe i've never put on such an outfit, but people had a different impression. ok la, moving on, haha.. the food was great. there were scallops, chicken meat rolled around sausages, cream-based salmon, yellow fragrant rice with sweet raisins and nuts, deep-fried sweet oats with big prawns, duck slice, etc. wow my stomach was definitely full after the delicious buffet. oh there's sushi too :D as for dessert, we had longan and 'chin-chao' cocktail thingy. haha! its black, probably to go along with the Black-White Theme. all these to go along with fruit punch. woo~ maybe its worth the S$20. its in the hall though.. but it was beautifully transformed to a 'prom hall' by none other than the teachers and the student councillors. There were fun and games... pull out 3 strands of hair la.. any items with 'G' la.. aio like fun like that XD HAHA! jokes... its was enough to last in our memories.. ahh.. the sweet memoirs of a Zhenghua-ian..

ok last week if not wrong was the Red Camp 6 @ Ngee Ann Poly. WOW, THAT WAS THE MOST FUN 'CAMP' I'VE EVER BEEN TO... so many friendly Student Leaders (SLs), where students from different schools registered for this highly recommended event.. actually the students from my school were the first few to register (since we're there for open house - i think, mind as well sign-up). We didn't regret a bit.. it was AWESOME! we've learned cheers, some dance moves for the mass dance (thats up on youtube), and most of all, we had LOADS OF FUN! well, students from my school and a few more schools were the SPARTANS!!
some cheers we've learned...
colour code: SLs

muahahahahahaha!!! love this one, especially with the actions where we go around poking people, and being poked. LOL! ok la, there's more cheers but lets just put there one here. HAHA!
LOVE ALL SPARTANS!! SPARTANS RULEZ!! LOL sounded like some primary school girl having "girls rule, boys drool" =.= muahahaha
thats all for now, peace out~ ok now i sounded like the the Tribe Leader from the Apache's... peace here, peace there.. LMAO!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

O's is officially over and done with

well, the school hall is closed, at least till next friday that is. The papers were... i have to say, "i can do better it better if I..." type. so, moving on, everyone knows what's coming next friday...
as shown here, we have a dress code - BLACK or WHITE or both.. actually there isn't supposed to be for this year mainly because people were arguing about the price and that they can book some place better; but somehow our batch had made an outstanding demand for this :) well, i don't know what i'll be wearing but i hope it'll be..... ehem!
ok today we celebrated DEBBIE HO's belated BIRTHDAY! at where? where else but the Marina Barrage... wooo... LOL! ok it was so fun i sweat like a (eh don't think *** hor) human being but still enjoyed to the fullest. I enjoyed the KITE FLYING the most XD loved it!
i would like to take this opportunity to thank those who made this happen, Zi Ai for inviting me, those who prepared the delectable snacks for the picnic and all those who are present. (waa sounded like i was the birthday dude.. LOL)
Pictures are up on my facebook for all to see :) thank you all :D good night! XD

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Final Lap

OK to tell you the truth, I have not put in my 100% into my revisions.. Nevertheless, its not that late.. Therefore this will be my final post till end of O-Levels. The thoughts of finally leaving secondary school life thrills me, in a positive way. It is the time where most of us will start finding a part-time job, you know... for "ka-ching$!" and also for the experience.

Before the excitement grips me, never to let go, I'll have to persevere these weeks... Oh ya, anyone needs my help, just give me a call. I'll try to help you if i can. I hope you will too :D hehs... and those who want to study outside with me, please do not hesitate to call my cellphone. thanks!

So, that's all folks! Ciao for now!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Acting Out - Ashley Tisdale

"Acting Out"

Up above the surface I was just a perfect child
But underneath it all I was craving to be wild
Don't you judge by the cover
It's so far from what you see
I'm losing all my patience
Waiting on you to believe
I'm suffocating, I can't breathe

Let me out this cage
I'm not gonna hold back
Gonna break these chains
I'm taking control
Not gonna give you something to talk about
It's another side of me, I'm acting out
Set me free
I'm ready to show you
This is what I need
It's time to get dirty
I'm a show you what I'm talking about
It's another side of me, I'm acting out

Welcome to a new beginning
It's time to start the show
No, I don't think it matters
If it's real or just a roll
Once you get a taste of it
You'll be begging me for more
I'll give you something to remember
Once I've hit the floor
I'm letting go, of what you know

Let me out this cage
I'm not gonna hold back
Gonna break these chains
I'm taking control
Not gonna give you something to talk about
It's another side of me, I'm acting out
Set me free
I'm ready to show you
This is what I need
It's time to get dirty
I'm a show you what I'm talking about
It's another side of me, I'm acting out

I've been waiting just to drive you crazy
Now it's my time and yes it feels amazing
There's nothing left of what you've seen before
Life is short just to do what you're told
(Just to do what you're told, just to do what you're told)
Do what you're told
(Just to do what you're told)
Do what you're,
Do what you're told

Let me out this cage
I'm not gonna hold back
Gonna break these chains
I'm taking control
Not gonna give you something to talk about
It's another side of me, I'm acting out
Set me free
I'm ready to show you
This is what I need
It's time to get dirty
I'm a show you what I'm talking about
It's another side of me, I'm acting out

Life is short just to do what you're told (I'm acting out)
Life is short just to do what you're told (I'm acting out)
Life is short just to do what you're told (I'm acting out)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm acting out

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where is the love?

-click to enlarge :)
a lecture by the Chairman of the Islamic Supreme Council of America

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sermon after 'Eid Fitri's prayers

Islamic Religious Council of Singapore

Eidul Fitri Sermon

20 September 2009M / 1 Syawwal 1430H

Eidul Fitri Reinforces The Value of Compassion for Muslims

Alhamdulillah, the highest of praises be to You O Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful. You have completed your blessings to Your servants. You have chosen the path of success that You please for Your servants. You have granted help to Your servants to pursue all goodness. You fill the hearts of Your servants with compassion and kindness. There is no God worthy of worship except You O Allah. You deserve all praises and all gratitude.

Dearest Muslim brothers and sisters,

“He who purifies it (i.e. the soul) will indeed be successful. And he will indeed fail who corrupts it (i.e. the soul).” This is stated by Allah s.w.t. in Surah al-Shams verses 9-10.

On this glorious morning, may each of us, male and female, young and old, be more conscious of Allah s.w.t. through taqwa, after a whole month of training in Ramadan. May our hearts shine with the bright torch of iman (faith) and pureness.

On this victorious morning, let us reflect on ourselves for the past month, what has been the impact of Ramadan on our spirituality?

Has Ramadan made us shed tears, out of repentance and sincerity in seeking Allah’s forgiveness and mercy?

Has Ramadan reinvigorated our iman, so that we are more conscious of Allah s.w.t. through taqwa, at all places and times?

Has Ramadan rejuvenated our strive to continuously do al-birr and al-ma’ruf, that is all good acts and kindness, which will cheer up friends and families?

Has the Holy Quran, our companion throughout Ramadan, inject new life to our resolve to appreciate the beauty of the religion of Allah and His Prophet s.a.w.?

Has Ramadan made us more resilient individuals, who will not be easily weakened by adversity?

Has Ramadan made us into more patient and grateful human beings?

Has Ramadan inculcated in us the value of compassion and kindness?

May our answers to all these questions be ”Yes”. Indeed, O Allah, with the passing of Ramadan, we have repented and are more sincere to You. We are more conscious of You, O Allah. We want to continue doing good to those around us, O Allah. We are prepared to appreciate the beauty of Your religion, by understanding Your Holy Quran, and following Your Prophet and Messenger. We are more resilient, with a deeper spirituality. We are more patient and more grateful to You, O Allah.

Dearest Muslim brothers and sisters,

Such is how Allah s.w.t. and His beloved Prophet s.a.w. desire everlasting goodness and happiness for humankind. We are bestowed with the month of Ramadan, to reinvigorate and rejuvenate the human soul which can easily become weak and distracted, so that we can continue in our strive to do good in our lives. Through Ramadan, we are also equipped with values which can become our guide in leading a very challenging life.

Indeed, Ramadan reinforces the meanings of these noble values through all acts that we are encouraged to perform in that month. One of the most important values is rahmah, or compassion. Compassion is an attribute of Allah that we often recite “In the name of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful.”

Our lives are full of the mercy and compassion of Allah s.w.t. He loves His servants, and constantly bestows upon us His blessings. Even when we commit wrong, He is ready to forgive those who repent and seek His forgiveness.

The value of rahmah has always been a key characteristic of the Holy Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. His personality reflects this value very strongly. Read about him, whether in his family life, or community life, and indeed with his friends and enemy, you will find that the Prophet s.a.w. reflected the value of rahmah in everything he did and said.

We bear witness, O Messenger of Allah, that you carry the torch of rahmah, and that you are most compassionate to your ummah. We resolve to carry this responsibility of rahmah with sincerity and seriousness in our lives.

Dearest Muslim brothers and sisters,

Let us reflect on our activities in Ramadan, where we take our pre-dawn meal (sahur) and breakfast (iftar) together, and perform our prayers, both the obligatory and sunnah in congregation, and we pay the zakat and contribute to charity to help the poor and needy. All these acts will strengthen the compassion between us. They remind us of our weaknesses as individuals, and the beauty and strength of community and congregation life. They remind us of our need for others. In such situations, and in establising good relations with others, the value of rahmah and compassion should be our guiding principle. Infact, this value should colour all actions and words of the believers.

Our beloved Prophet s.a.w. said:

Which means ”Believers, in their love, compassion and care for each other, are like a single human body. If part of the body suffers from pain, the whole body feels the pain and goes sleepless with fever.” (Hadis narrated by al-Bukhari)

In another hadith, the Holy Prophet s.a.w. said:

Which means ”Your iman is incomplete, until you like for your brother, what you like for yourself.” (Hadis narrated by Muslim)

Dear brothers and sisters,

This modern world, with its advancements and luxury, with its speed and facility, with its economic progress and its expanse, have, and will continue to provide new contexts and meanings to rahmah or compassion. The value of compassion remains relevant till this day. Infact, it will become more critical and much more needed in our lives today.

If in the past, life in the villages and the spirit of gotong-royong (helping one another) had strengthened the value of rahmah, today, our busy lives may make us more distant from each other, and concomitantly, weaken the rahmah and compassion between us. Say our relationship with our parents. Do our busy schedules and our status in society distance us from our parents, or lessen our respect and compassion for them?

In our community life, although we may meet each other lesser today, there are still many opportunities, whether in our mosques, or during our Eid visits, for example, to continue with good relations between us.

Let us remember what Allah s.w.t. says in Surah al-Balad verse 17:

Which means “Then will he be of those who believe, and remind each other about patience, (constancy, and self-restraint), and remind each other about deeds of kindness and compassion.”

If in the past, we have lived only within our community which was homogeneous, today, globalisation has made the flow of people all over the world easier and more frequent. There will be Muslims from other parts of the world in any community. Diversity will become a feature of our community.

Similarly, with better education of Muslims, diversity of views and opinions, even in matters of religion, will become a common feature. However, does this mean we will be obsessed with our views, and think of ours as the only right and superior ones, and all others as wrong and inferior?

On the contrary, the value of rahmah and compassion will unite all of us, in the purpose and goal to seek the truth and the best for our community. This value will also let us celebrate the diversity of views which are founded on sound principles and reasoning. This value of rahmah will encourage us to work together, help one another, and coordinate our efforts to overcome the challenges of our community collectively. It will prevent us from breaking apart. We will instead share the load. Despite this diversity of views and opinions, we love our brothers and we still respect them, Diversity is a challenge, and for this, Allah s.w.t. has reminded us about it, so that we are better prepared to deal with it.

Which means: “And if your Lord had pleased, He would certainly have made people a single nation, and they shall continue to differ. Except those on whom your Lord has mercy; and for this did He create them.” (Surah Hud verses 118-119)

If in the past, there may not have been much exposure to the outside world of our religious life. But today, we live in a very open world. Our neighbours and colleagues come from other cultures and religious traditions. This is a common feature of our community life today. But the value of rahmah and compassion will encourage and guide us to be good neighbours and colleagues as part of a diverse society. With rahmah, we will not exclude any groups from our contributions and assistance.

Allah s.w.t. reminds us in Surah Al-Mumtahanah verse 8:

Which means ”Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice.”

Brothers and Sisters, may you be blessed by Allah s.w.t.,

Let us grow this value of rahmah (compassion) inculcated in us by the month of Ramadan. Live our lives on the basis of rahmah. Be compassionate with our family members. Be compassionate with our parents. Be compassionate with our wives, husbands and children. Be compassionate with our colleagues and friends. Be compassionate with our fellow brothers and sisters. Be compassionate with our community and all mankind. There is no better time for us to internalise and appreciate the value of compassion than this glorious morning of Eid. When we meet our brothers, shake their hands and seek forgiveness from each other, let us appreciate the value of compassion taught to us by Islam.

Let us make this very important reminder of the Holy Prophet s.a.w. as our guide and principle.

Which means ”Do not harbour envy towards each other, do not hate one another, do not turn away from your brother, do not cut your brother’s trade, be servants of Allah who are brothers to one another. Muslims are brothers to one another, thus he will not be unjust, nor will he insult, nor lie to him, nor curse him. Taqwa is here, (The Prophet s.a.w pointed to his heart 3 times). A Muslim should not insult his brother. Every Muslim is protected, his life, his wealth and his honour.” (Hadis narrated by Muslim)

O Allah, bless our unity and the relationship that we strive to establish between us. Unite our hearts in obeying You and Your beloved Prophet. Please accept our deeds, despite its shortcomings. Bless us with Your pleasure and acceptance. Help us to remain steadfast on Your chosen path. Bless us with Your mercy and compassion O Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful.

Friday, August 14, 2009


ok, before anyone gets excited, this is going to be a post that will last a really LONG time..
1st and formost, i would like to CONGRATULATE our fellow Quran reciters from SINGAPORE in the International Al-Quran Recitation Competition!
I'm proud to announce that they have clinched a 4th place in the men's category and a 5th place for the women's category.
Sg's men category - Sadid
Sg's women category - A'tiiqah
Tahniah! Congratulations... alhamdulillah... Marha! Marha!
so it didn't waste our precious time going to KL by car for 8 hours, including 4 hours of traffic jam; while they can travel by plane. HEHES! kidding :P
the 1st prized winners are from - men - Iraq
- women - Malaysia

Ok, moving on... PRELIMS ARE FINALLY OVER! but I am so dissapointed with myself. I didn't give my 100% for it; not even 95%. I SCREWED UP FOR ENGLISH'S LETTER WRITING!!! ok, I'm giving you all chances this time... LOL kidding :P erm, ok.
I still have that Science Practical thingy in my head... Its IRON(II) la.... oh please dont make it calcium..... please..... LOL :P

ok erm congrates 5N1 for getting the 1st prize in the best dressed class for Racial Harmony for 3 YEARS IN A ROW! congrates once more..

ok, Happy Belated Birthday dear Singapore! sorry I didn't watch the NDP09. was in KL to support SG :D

(the audience for tilawah, NOT 2009)

photos up soon~