Friday, June 20, 2008

High Achievers "Camp"

omg... i had a really fun time with this team. love them. my "camp"(not overnight) is lead by Coach Elgin. wow. is he the greatest, most fun, and The Funkiest coach i've ever had?... he's the best dudes. omg.. my friends find him cute, handsome and hot. to me he's like a whatever a best friend should have. wow. and guess what. he had almost the exact same dream as mine! he dreamt of being an astronaut when he's young! just like me! he dreamt of being a pilot! just like me! and, HE FLEW A PLANE BEFORE!!! omg.. its all i've ever dreamt of. just that he just flew a plane. and felt "i flew a plane, so what." to me, i want to be a pilot, working for SIA. i've cement my dream down right after the camp ended(that is today). wow! i could dream myself in the plane with my partner, pushing most buttons with a pen and list to check. its time to fly!
I WILL TRY MY BEST TO PERSEVERE AND ENDEVOUR till the end. i must change what's in my heart and mind for the better, to have a better future. Insya-Allah! Doa kanku wahai muslimin dan muslimat, mukminin dan mukminat supaya ku dapat mencapai Impianku. AMIIN, YA-RABBAL 'ALAMIIN. Alhamdulillah.
by the way, COACH ELGIN, YOU ROCK!!! hehe! coach Elgin, dont blush if you read this. omg. all your stories told were so =D (cant describe).. love the games, the stories, the presentation (powerpoints), videos, wacky yet 'far-knee' jokes, EVERYTHING! omg. its really a waste if any souls did not go for it. and its not a waste to wake up at 0630 hrs just to pray, get ready, and go for the camp from 0800-1800 hrs.
respects and gratitudes given to High Achievers! congratulations guys! woo~ really. i enjoyed it. from the bottom of my heart, thanks guys! ---pictures again!
(shoes on the bridge we made out of only newspaper & paperclips)
(the final tower)
(me! hehes)
(card tower we made, like our foundation)
(the second tower won the winds)
(me! =D)
(school pond)
(school pond)
(COACH ELGIN! such an inspiration)
(COACH ELGIN with Jannah)
(COACH ELGIN with Ai Leen)
(my house btw, living room)
(my living room, with my room above)

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