Sunday, August 10, 2008

just up

ok.. so sorry for the late post. guessed not to put the ice skating day thingy although its like one of THE best days of ice skating i've had. although I FELL a number of times. one that i could not forget is that I FELL CAUSE OF SOMEBODY.. give you a clue.. its a SHE. well, it started with me 'pulling' her as she 'glides' through the ice, grabbing my arm. she fell. i turned, startled, and fell. how i fell? i fell on my knees, then my palms(sharp ice btw, and slippery), slipped, and fell to my chin. alhamdulillah nothing happened to my face (and chin, that much). and after some days you know what she said? "why didnt you help me up to the bench?" and i was like "eh! its cause of u i fell hard (n she fell to her butt, thats it), nearly hurting my face and u have e guts to ask me to help you?.. i mean i was bruised because of you. of course i'll take some ice to decrease the bruise and to check on my palms and chin while she can wait for a friend to 'guide' her to the bench," in my heart la duh. puh-lease.. saying sorry works only to that moment, never to the moment where you bring it up, turning the story around, which made you sound like as if u hurt more than me. i fell on my butt like 5 times that day. changing the topic, never to repeat this incident..
ok. so i saw the high school musical 3 song "now or never" and liked it. and... guess what. ITS OUT ON MY BIRTHDAY! ok, i just love my birthday. something usually happens on my birthday. alhamdulillah. festivals like Deepavali and Hari Raya happens =D and this year, guess what. it falls on the day when i take my O'LEVEL ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS EXAMINATIONS! omg.. and also, HSM3 released on that day too =) lols. what i love is that HSM's primary colours are red, black n grey.. get it? red, black? its our school 'u' colour yo! wee!
Alhamdulillah..... Subhanallah.....
ok... so, nothing much to say exactly.. just that my youngest sis had a fighting fish for her birthday, bro has a toy motor car for his, and my youger sis has a digital camera n a photo printer for hers... mine?.. not sure this year.. (= smilezz!
photos soon :) stay updated always!

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