Friday, August 22, 2008


ok, so i think i made a bad start in the 'apology'... actually i've forgave her long long time already. just that i think the guilt is not easily taken care of. she tried to start the ball rolling last few days by wanting to sit beside me during one of the lessons. but really, i was expecting a "sorry" or "are you ok" or something like that. but i think i turned her down by turning my head and giggled to myslef =.= lame, i know. and so she walked off. but i said "ok la, you can sit here" but it was too late. the door in her heart was shut tight for any mercy to be given. omg. should i regret? cause seriously, i study better away from THE GANG (no offence..). i concentrate better and got my troubles (distractions, etc) away.
but there was never something with no disadvantages. i'm currently sitting beside Zuhari. omg.. wonder how can his ** can tolerate him. i mean you know what he did with his bottle?.. firstly, ITS PINK(nothing wrong but someone like him holding a pink bottle?). secondly. he did disgusting things with it.
1) he put the tip of the nosel on his oily cheek. (as in litteraly ON his cheek) which he then sqeeze "spray" out. you know the bottle that you can spray out (nike).
2) he then put the nosel into his nostrill. (INTO his NOSTRILL) and SPRAY
3) he suck the bottle (nosel of course).
i was like "*vomit*" while Siti went "EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"
4) he had nothing better to do so he sprayed everything around him. so i was considered "around" him.
ok. enough with his bottle. lets talk about how he communicate. everyone knows how sarcarstic he may be. maybe he has his own problems? but still, he can be a pain in my arse. really. but no matter what, he could shine the ray of light enough to bring in my sense of humour behind the dull school life. (actually i love school & find it colourful. but ya..)
so yup. since conflict still went on in class today(back to her), i would like to apolagise for my rudeness in class the other day. really. i am. call me whatever you want - not gentleman(apolagise in blog, dont dare say face to face), etc. whatever. i dont care. what i know is that i have readers whom read this blog and spread whatever message i put here like wildfire. so again,
im sorry

hope that our friendship doesn't have to end this way. hope that our friendship lasts. hope that we could still be friends.

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