Friday, April 25, 2008

The Doom('s day) (Surah Al-Qari'ah)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
The sure Truth!
What is the sure Truth?
And what would make thee realise what the Truth is?
Thamud and 'Ad called the calamity a lie.
Then as for Thamud, they were destroyed by the severe punishment.
And as for 'Ad, they were destroyed by a roaring, violent wind,
which he made to prevail against them for seven nights and eight days continuously, so that thou mightest have seen t e people therein prostrate as if they were trunks of hollow palm-trees.

So canst thou see a remnant of them?
And Pharaoh and those before him and the overthrown cities wrought evil.
And they disobeyed the messanger of their Lord, so He punished them with a vehement punishment.
Surely We carried you in the ship, when the water rose high,
That We might make it a reminder for you, and that the retaining ear might retain it.
So when the trumpet is blown with a single blast,
And the earth and the mountains are bourne away and crushed witn one crash-
On the day will the Event come to pass,
And the heaven will be cleft asunder; so that day it will be frail,
And the angels will be on its sides. And abobe them eight will bear that day thy Lord's Throne of Power.
On that day you will be exposed to view -
no secret of yours will remain hidden.
Then as for him who is given his book in his right hand, he will say: Lo ! Read my book.
Surely i knew that i should meet my account.
So he will be in a life of bliss,
In a lofty Garden,
Its fruits are near.
Eat and drink pleasently for that which you sent on before in bygone days.
And as hor him who is given his book in his left hand - he will say: O would that my book had not been given to me!
And i had not known what my account was!
O would that (death) had made an end (of me)!
My wealth has not availed me.
My authority has gone from me.
Seize him, then fetter him,
Then cast him into the burning Fire,
Then insert him in a chain tge length of which is seventy cubits.
Surely he belived not in Allah, the Great,
Nor did he urge the feeding of the poor.
Therefore he has not here this day a true friend,
Nor any food except refuse,
Which none but the wrongdoers eat.

Section 2: False Allegations refuted
But nay! I swear by which you see,
And that which you see not!
Surely, it is the word of an honoured Messanger,
And it is not a word of a poet. Little is it that you belive!
Nor a word of a soothsayer. Little is in your mind!
It is the revelation from the Lord of the worlds.
And if he had fabricated against Us certain sayings,
We would certainly have seized him by the right hand,
Then cut off his heart's vein.

And not one of you could have withheld Us from him.
And surely it is a reminder for the dutiful.
And we certainly know that some of you are rejectors.
And it is indeed a (source of) grief to the disbelievers.

And surely it is the certain Truth.
So glorify the name of thy Lord, the Incomparably Great.

Friday, April 18, 2008


(MasyaAllah. the moon tonight is as beautiful as ever.)
(the lift is "done"-1st floor)
(lift "done"-7th floor)
MasyaAllah. All praises be to Allah. the moon is so beautiful tonight. not that its not beautiful before, just that i'm a huge fan of astronomy. love outer space, etc. so far, the most beautiful pose of the moon is on the Prophet Muhammad's birthday. really. its so big, clear, bright, graciously beautiful. i became so emotional looking at the moon on that night. words of praises to Allah filled my heart. 

moving on, the lifts. its "done"! well, at least you can start using it :P the tiling on the 1st floor is not done yet(as you can see). the ones above it are done, like the one on my grandparent's floor(7th floor). the interior is so spacious, with huge white boards covering the 4 "walls". so, yup. 

here's some pics for today, (as usual) ;D

(me-say no to emo )
(Jannah and Lydia)
(Jannah showing the 'Ly-deer' mascot)
(Lam Wan Zhen, Erwin Yeoh Hong Zhi, Koh Meng Yang)
(Koh Meng Yang, Erwin Yeoh Hong Zhi- My goodness! what the...)
      Where's Saiful Bahri Bin Shaari and Zuhairi Bin Ramliee?
haha. style's getting it movin'.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

take a bow-leona lewis lyrics

before we go to the lyrics, some pics to enlighten you people! enjoy~
(the school flag of Zhenghua Secondary School)
(rehearsal of Students' Councillor Investiture)
("people, we'll meet tomorrow morning after the national pledge")
(Zuhairi, Hanna & friend)
(Saiful Bahri Bin Shaari, Nur Lydiawati Bte Juraimi, Zuhairi Bin Ramliee)
(my world behind curtains)
(the 2 huge revolving fans on the tall ceiling of the school hall)


"Take A Bow"
[Verse 1:]
The flowers are faded now
Along with your letters
They will never see the light of day
Cause I'll never take them out
And there's no turning back
Its for the better
Baby I disserved more than empty words
And promises
I believed everything you said
And I give you the best I have

So take a bow.
Cause you've taken everything else
You played the part and like a star you played it so well
Take a bow
'cause this scene is coming to an end
I gave you love. All you give me was pretend
So now... Take a bow

[Verse 2:]
The future's about to change
Before you know it the curtain closes
Take a look around
There's no one in the crowd
I'm throwing away the pain
And you should know that your performance it made me stronger now

So take a bow.
Cause you've taken everything else
You played the part and like a star you played it so well
Take a bow
'cause this scene is coming to an end
I gave you love. All you give me was pretend
So now... Take a bow

Well it must have been slight of hand
'cause I still can't understand
How I could never see
Just what a fool believed

But the lies they start to show
Tell me how it feels to know
Right now that I wont be around
So baby before I put you out

So take a bow.
Cause you've taken everything else
You played the part and like a star you played it so well
Take a bow
'cause this scene is coming to an end
I gave you love. All you give me was pretend
So now... Take a bow
Cause you've taken everything else
You played the part and like a star you played it so well
Take a bow
'cause this scene is coming to an end
I gave you love. All you give me was pretend
So now... Take a bow
Eh, where's Nurul Jannah Bte Bidin?
P.S. Still like the style.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Script Editing

haha. well, today is an "enjoyable" day compared to the previous days. after the Awards day, i recieve greetings from people i dont know haha. example? when im walking to the canteen, a boy would just come up to me just to say "eh, aren't you the award's day emcee? eh, Hi!" then i'll just smile :) n say hi (of course).
and so today i met my emcee partner, Hanna again to discuss on the new script given by Mrs Lee Wei Qi. when i told her we'll re-write the script on a Q-Card, opened her mouth wide. i quickly add-on "but we'll cut the paper and paste on the Q-Card of course." she showed relief. she said "u better. cause i've print it out." I know she'd say "you should tell me earlier so i could font it according to the Q-Card's size." haha. so, my partner and i sat under the ramp, discussing on the script while friends come sit and chit chat the same time. so, the interesting part is when my friend, Zuhairi Binte  Ramliee came to join in. he has sore eyes that time btw, he touched my "phone", my script, etc. so i went like "eh, is the bookshop still open? i want to buy Dettol Spray (if there is such a product)." he went like "Zuuuul. you don't test me ar." then he blew onto my "phone" purposely. i went "oi! eeeerrrr....!!" haha. so we made fun of him. (so bad sey) saying the (ehm ehm) is coming. see him with two girls, etc. then he tried to be "religious" saying "eh, feel like its a sin sitting here with two girls. its not good you know." haha. when the (ehm ehm) came, the surrounding went quiet. its like wind blew till Zuhairi said "going back?" the (ehm ehm) said "no." she walked to the canteen area. i went laughing.. haha!! funny sey. he's like so what if she's coming? and now like he's afraid of his (ehm ehm).. scared of jealousy lets say. 
so, finished my geography homework, handed it in and went home with my friends, ex-classmates actually, Gan Wei Ren, Teo Yee, Chay Chin Peng, Lim Yan Zhan, and my current classmate Zhou Yefa. woo~ remembered their names well. so basically thats my day. loads of homework as usual. 

following Hanna's way of blogging, i should post a P.S.
  Where's Koh Meng Yang, Lam Wan Zhen and Erwin Yeoh Hong Zhi?
haha.. love the style.  

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tilawah Al-Quran 2008

WOOOO! Alhamdulillah. All praises be to Allah. tonight, i just got to know that my father had successfully entered the semi-finals for this competition(adults category duh). in case no one knows what this competition is about, its mainly of how good you read the Holy Book of Quran. its not easy(i think). well, my dad doesn't allow anyone of his family members to come see him recite the Quran(distracts him, he says). a phone call from my cousin saying he's in the semi-finals filled my heart with praises to Allah. I'm so happy. actually after our maghrib(7p.m prayer), i read Yasiin with my youngest sister, dedicating it to my father in hoping to succeed him into the semi-finals. i've ever experienced this competition when i'm at the age of 10. did not make it to the semi-finals cause i repeated a sentence. sob sob. my sister on the other hand, joined this competition at the age of 8. guess what. she won 1st prize!(both in children category)wow.. although i could get it too(ehm ehm). 
so, about the fight yesterday, not sure if its over but its "stable" for now. I, as a child should never write such a topic in my blog but i felt that people think i live a "perfect" life. well, now i'll type it to the world. but its kind of childish actually.. haha

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Parents Quarrel

Ok, so now my heart is pumping as though 5 litres of blood pump through my bloodvessels. I know i sounded so damn rude when I send "WHAT IS GOING ON?! HUH? Please.. i mean no clues no nothing, and this happens. The young ones. How? I dont want them to feel how I felt on my childhood ok? Don't ruin thiers. Please". all i have in my mind is my God, I shouldn't have sent that message but this is not the first time. its countless of times and not only that, WE ARE LIVING IN MY GRANDPARENT'S HOUSE for heavens sake. Is this fair to them? i remembered till now. i have this huge incident where i accidentally said "papa's attitude s***s". I could not forgive myself. he sent me a message saying "I didnt know you are so rude!" my heart broke into pieces. i mean, now history repeats itself with grandparents getting involved. I feel like crying right now. we thought of buying a new house (f.y.i, [me n my bro sleep on one king sized bed, grandfather with 2 younger sister sleeping on a mattress on the floor] thats one room. the other room[my grandmother sleeps on a mattress on the floor with fernitures, cupboards in the way] the last room[parents sleep on a bed(squeezy but could still move about)]) in my heart is like "you people have a luxurious bed to sleep on, with your parents on the matress on the floor, what more do you want?!" now you guys are like "don't qaurrel, be kind to your siblings" but is this the example given? for us to follow? i mean come on. its two days that my father did not come back home after an incident with mother in a shopping centre(did not get the full story). although dad did send me alone to school last two days, i felt love is in him. and for mom, i feel the love too. its just that i felt she just wants my dad's attention. cause I felt that maybe they did not seen each other for (2 days?). parents got married at the age of (16-20?) so, yup. parents-to-be please take note. quarrel only once or twice in 2 months(if non its better) in front of your kids(show that parents have feelings). more than that, do it outside home or when they are not around.. lol

Friday, April 11, 2008

Awards Day Baby!

[UNITED WE STAND(Isaac, Hanna, Dzul, Farah)]
(credits to Hanna for this pic)
so. the big day, TODAY! lets start from the beginning. the first message i got in school after friday prayers is from Jannah. it says "Zul! Later awards day. Mr Raimi got come?" n i was like my goodness. i mean the only people in her mind is Mr Desmond and Mr Raimi. sometimes get pissed off too. haha
so, i met my partner Hanna  (montanna). in the hall at 2:20 p.m. today was one of the days where she was  easy to work with :P so, started the whole ceremony at about 4p.m.  names part came ok, just some names that i find a tongue twister :X haha. so, i finally met my long lost dearest friend, Randy Ong Ren Yi. worn a black long sleeved shirt with red lines contrasts on his shirt. i thought he's like you know...attracting the opposite gender of his own =) 
so now  ms montanna is trying to piss me off with her "i cant wait to read your blog!" lol.
moving on, as everything goes well, i completely destroyed the last part where a token of appreciation is to be given to the GOH. I'm supposed to say "we will like to call upon our principle..........Mr Lim please" but instead, i said "we will like to call upon our principle, Mr Lim and Mrs Chia (which is not present)." vice principle looked at me with an ironic look. he pointed to himself showing "i wasn't called out, so be it lor". so i continued saying "also, we will like to call upon our V.P, Mr Yap to......." , forgetting about my other V.P, Mdm Lee. i was so screwed up that when our discipline master took our picture on the rostrum, i showed no expression. i felt like screaming "OH GOD!" haha.. but still, what's done is done.
so, after the ceremony, i came for her in the canteen to apologize to her PERSONALLY. haio. you know how much courage is needed for a student to say sorry to the V.P? haio like the end of the world sey. 
then, quenched thirst n went home with Hanna.. while doing so, a friend, Jie Yi told Hanna when i heard bout me n Hanna becoming emcee for investiture, i told her "with Hanna again? dont want la." i was like wth. i did not say that lo. i said "emcee again? just finished the awards day 'assignment'." but still, i accept. with prompts by my form cum additional mathematics teacher, Mrs/Mdm Lee Wei Qi. so yup. another one coming. so popular right.. lol! but still have to work on my expressions while emcee-ing.. here are some pics.. enjoy..
(me and Hanna)  (me)(me and Hanna)(Hanna)(Isaac, me, Hanna, Farah)(Isaac and Farah)(me and Hanna)(the hairstylist)(how do I look?)


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Awards Day tomorrow!

alright. here's the thing. being emcee for 3 years in a row, 5 times in a school is... i got to say, FUN! so, Awards Day 2008. its going to be exciting. this year, for the awards section, its going to be me and my partner, Hanna (Montanna) lol! so, speaking of Hanna, she tought me a new laugh "haheho". sacarstic really but didn't thought of it :P so, concert section emcees, Farah n Isaac. this year, many of the prize winners are those of i know of. like Teo Yee, Randy Ong Ren Yi, n many many more. some are jealous n dissapointed of not getting any awards like me. used to get best for English Literature! how can this be?! huh?! but, im proud to be me. haha. so, tomorrow's the big day. GOH, Mr Frank Koh. Valedictorian, Edward Looi. so, have to rest, drink plenty of water, relax till tomorrow. oh ya. those emcees to be, here's a tip from the pro, always have a pinimum of 3, i repeat three packets o tissue before wearing the blazer. haha!