Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Script Editing

haha. well, today is an "enjoyable" day compared to the previous days. after the Awards day, i recieve greetings from people i dont know haha. example? when im walking to the canteen, a boy would just come up to me just to say "eh, aren't you the award's day emcee? eh, Hi!" then i'll just smile :) n say hi (of course).
and so today i met my emcee partner, Hanna again to discuss on the new script given by Mrs Lee Wei Qi. when i told her we'll re-write the script on a Q-Card, opened her mouth wide. i quickly add-on "but we'll cut the paper and paste on the Q-Card of course." she showed relief. she said "u better. cause i've print it out." I know she'd say "you should tell me earlier so i could font it according to the Q-Card's size." haha. so, my partner and i sat under the ramp, discussing on the script while friends come sit and chit chat the same time. so, the interesting part is when my friend, Zuhairi Binte  Ramliee came to join in. he has sore eyes that time btw, he touched my "phone", my script, etc. so i went like "eh, is the bookshop still open? i want to buy Dettol Spray (if there is such a product)." he went like "Zuuuul. you don't test me ar." then he blew onto my "phone" purposely. i went "oi! eeeerrrr....!!" haha. so we made fun of him. (so bad sey) saying the (ehm ehm) is coming. see him with two girls, etc. then he tried to be "religious" saying "eh, feel like its a sin sitting here with two girls. its not good you know." haha. when the (ehm ehm) came, the surrounding went quiet. its like wind blew till Zuhairi said "going back?" the (ehm ehm) said "no." she walked to the canteen area. i went laughing.. haha!! funny sey. he's like so what if she's coming? and now like he's afraid of his (ehm ehm).. scared of jealousy lets say. 
so, finished my geography homework, handed it in and went home with my friends, ex-classmates actually, Gan Wei Ren, Teo Yee, Chay Chin Peng, Lim Yan Zhan, and my current classmate Zhou Yefa. woo~ remembered their names well. so basically thats my day. loads of homework as usual. 

following Hanna's way of blogging, i should post a P.S.
  Where's Koh Meng Yang, Lam Wan Zhen and Erwin Yeoh Hong Zhi?
haha.. love the style.  

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