Saturday, April 12, 2008

Parents Quarrel

Ok, so now my heart is pumping as though 5 litres of blood pump through my bloodvessels. I know i sounded so damn rude when I send "WHAT IS GOING ON?! HUH? Please.. i mean no clues no nothing, and this happens. The young ones. How? I dont want them to feel how I felt on my childhood ok? Don't ruin thiers. Please". all i have in my mind is my God, I shouldn't have sent that message but this is not the first time. its countless of times and not only that, WE ARE LIVING IN MY GRANDPARENT'S HOUSE for heavens sake. Is this fair to them? i remembered till now. i have this huge incident where i accidentally said "papa's attitude s***s". I could not forgive myself. he sent me a message saying "I didnt know you are so rude!" my heart broke into pieces. i mean, now history repeats itself with grandparents getting involved. I feel like crying right now. we thought of buying a new house (f.y.i, [me n my bro sleep on one king sized bed, grandfather with 2 younger sister sleeping on a mattress on the floor] thats one room. the other room[my grandmother sleeps on a mattress on the floor with fernitures, cupboards in the way] the last room[parents sleep on a bed(squeezy but could still move about)]) in my heart is like "you people have a luxurious bed to sleep on, with your parents on the matress on the floor, what more do you want?!" now you guys are like "don't qaurrel, be kind to your siblings" but is this the example given? for us to follow? i mean come on. its two days that my father did not come back home after an incident with mother in a shopping centre(did not get the full story). although dad did send me alone to school last two days, i felt love is in him. and for mom, i feel the love too. its just that i felt she just wants my dad's attention. cause I felt that maybe they did not seen each other for (2 days?). parents got married at the age of (16-20?) so, yup. parents-to-be please take note. quarrel only once or twice in 2 months(if non its better) in front of your kids(show that parents have feelings). more than that, do it outside home or when they are not around.. lol

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